NAPLAN Success
We have received the NAPLAN results for our students in Grade 3 and 5 and they are very positive results and I would like to thank the staff who have worked exceptionally hard to ensure students are making good progress. The biggest area that we have been successful in are the results in Numeracy particularly in Grade 5 with an increased number of students in the top two bands. The growth results for our students show that they are making huge improvements and year on year we are improving our results across the board. There are always ways that you can be even more successful and the staff and myself are constantly looking to develop programs that provide the students with the greatest opportunities to progress and learn new skills. Well done to all the students who have worked so hard for these results during a very difficult time. Parents will receive a copy of their child’s results soon. We have posted them this week though this may take a while to arrive in your mail box with the current restrictions.